Greyhill Incident PlayStation 5


Greyhill Incident is a story-driven Survival-Horror game that takes place during the early 90s. As Ryan Baker, equipped with a baseball bat and a few bullets in his trusty revolver, the story takes you across the atmospheric neighbourhood of Greyhill, which is invaded by UFOs & Grey Aliens.

  • Sneak, Run or fight to get through Greyhill and beware of “The Greys”.
  • “They” are a constant threat as they try to abduct people from the village village, take samples of everything, and experiment, and probe people.
  • Sneak through the open areas of Greyhill. Investigate houses & barns and search for ammo while you work up your way through the village and uncover the Alien Conspiracy.
  • Find useful items, solve puzzles and you meet other humans as you fight to survive the invasion and guide Ryan through the Neighbourhood.


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